Benefits of Affiliate Marketing - By MITUL PALAN



Affiliate Marketing

In todays era, Everyone wants to earn money online by spending sometimes in Internet. Affiliate Marketing is the one, where people can earn money without spending money. Many bloggers earn money by doing affiliate marketing. Today, I am will tell you, what is Affiliate marketing and it’s Benefits.

What is Affiliate Marketing ?

Affiliate marketing is the oldest form of marketing wherein you refer someone to buy online product and when the person buys the products, which you had recommended then you receive the commission based of products.
The most common question, I hear that is how company track the data of his product. That means about the traffic and making sales. The simple answer is that they provide the affiliate link, and they can track and making sales data. URL is to keep a track of all traffic to websites and sales you are making via your website or other techniques like Blog and all.
Many online companies who sell the product like shoes, hosting space or some other services, usually offer an affiliate program link. When you are writing about their products, you have to insert affiliate link into your websites. If your readers buy that product, you will get commission.
Every Affiliate program has a set TOS. For example, many of them offer 60 days cookies period. If visitors visit your website and buy something from your website within 60 days, then only you will be entitled to sale’s commission.

Here are some common terms which are related to Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliates:Publishers like you and me, use the affiliate program to promote and sales of products.
Affiliate Market Place:There are so many marketplaces like shareasales, CJ and Clickbank. These work are a central database. For affiliate program.
Affiliate Software:Companies use software called idevaffiliate to create affiliate link.
Affiliate Link:Special tracking link offer by affiliate program to track your affiliate promotions.
Affiliate ID:Similar to Affiliate link, many affiliate program offers a unique id, which you can add to any of the site.
Payment Mode: Different affiliate program provides payment method like cheque, wire transfer, paypal and others.
Affiliate Manager:Many companies has dedicated affiliate Manager, who can helps publisher to earn more by proving promotional tips.
Custom Coupon: Many programs allow to affiliate to create a custom coupon which are also used to track a sales. Custom discount coupon helps you to increase affiliate sales as well.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

Performance Based

The main advantage of having affiliate program is that entirely performance-based. Because Affiliates are only paid when acquired desire take place, they are more motivated to drive a traffic to website.

Cost Effective

Affiliate marketing is cost-effective. Affiliates programs have to pay money only when the desires conversion occurs. Otherwise, you don’t have to pay anything for no proven value.

Rapidly Scale Traffic

Affiliate marketing also helps in to drive more traffic to your website by putting a proper explanation on your blog. The more sites that link to your page, then there might be chances of getting more customers. They may be paid customers. Another benefit of Affiliate marketing is when other sites connect our sites, In Seo Point of view, Google may increase our rank.


  1. Thanks Mitul Palan.

    You have shared a useful tips about Affiliate Marketing. I loved it.


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